Sandia National Labs: May 22, 2024
About the Sandia Tech Days 2024:
Federal Training Partnership is proud to announce the Sandia National Labs Tech Day 2024, taking place onsite
at Sandia National Labs. This exciting exhibit opportunity will be limited to 20 top technology companies and the
exposition portion of this event will take place at the Steve Schiff Auditorium. Attendees from the entire Sandia complex
will be invited to visit the exhibit area over the two-day event and attendees from the co-located Digital Engineering
Workshop will also be visiting the exhibit area over the course of the event.
Requested technologies for exhibitors include: Digital Thread, Systems Engineering, Model Based Design, Data Security
and Governance, Cyber Resilience, Big Data, Internet of Things, Network Monitoring, Cyber Security, Hardware and
About Sandia National Laboratory:
Sandia is part of the U.S. Department of Energy’s complex of national laboratories. Keeping the U.S. nuclear stockpile
safe, secure, and effective is a major part of Sandia’s work as a multidisciplinary, national security, engineering
laboratory. Sandia National Laboratories has a workforce of over 12,000 personnel, including: engineers, scientists,
researchers, and technology specialists. SNL has an annual revenue budget of over $3.1 billion.
About Sandia National Laboratory:
The 3rd Annual Digital Engineering Workshop is May 20-23, 2024 in the Steve Schiff Auditorium at Sandia National
Laboratories in Albuquerque, NM. This year, we continue exploring The Digital Thread: Highlighting innovative
approaches to data interoperability, systems engineering best practices, and integrating engineering domains.
Topics will include Digital Thread, Systems Engineering, Model Based Design, and Data Security and Governance. Please
continue to visit this page as we get closer to the event for more details.